Safety is our top priority at Student Transit. As a rider on our buses, you can help us with that. Riding a bus can be an exciting adventure.

Here are some guidelines on responsible conduct to ensure that you and your fellow passengers have the safest and most comfortable trip possible.

How to Be on the Nice Bus Rider List

Stay in Your Seat
While most buses are large enough to walk around easily, they have sizable chairs for a reason. Once you have chosen your seat for the ride, it is important to stay where you are, at least until your next stop. This is respectful to other passengers, limits drivers' distractions, and helps keep you safe from injury.

Keep All Body Parts Inside
While it may be tempting to stick your head or arm out the window on a nice day, this can be dangerous. You never know what might go zooming past just outside the vehicle! Leaving your whole self inside the bus at all times will keep you intact and reduce distractions for drivers.

Clear the Aisles
We all understand the desire for a good stretch on a long trip. Avoid the aisles as much as possible as a safety precaution and a sign of courtesy to others. Promptly sitting in your seat and keeping body parts out of the walkway allows others to pass through easily and reduces injury risks.

Maintain a Respectful Volume
As with other gathering places, keeping your volume at an "inside voice" level is courteous. Conversations with others on the bus shouldn't be a shouting match. Not everyone enjoys the same taste in music or movies, so wear headphones when jamming out or binge-watching videos. The same goes for calls. They are personal, whether just audio or video, so keep them that way with headphones. These are respectful gestures to your fellow passengers and help the bus driver keep their focus on the road.

Dispose of Trash Appropriately
If you like riding on a clean bus, help keep it that way! Our drivers start the day by ensuring the vehicle is clean before hitting the road. If you create trash during your ride, dispose of any garbage in the proper receptacles or take it with you to throw away when you get off. Your driver and fellow passengers will be grateful!

Ensure Total Visibility
Do you know those sneaky blind spots you must look for when driving? Those can easily happen inside a bus as well. For the bus driver to operate the vehicle most efficiently, they must see their surroundings as much as possible. Avoid standing, throwing objects, or bringing items such as balloons that could block lines of sight.

Stow Belongings
Everyone enjoys personal space, even on a packed bus. To keep as much space as possible for yourself and other passengers, stow your belongings in the overhead racks or under the seat. Having items tucked away provides more sitting and walking room and prevents the risk of accidental trips or falls.

Respect the Bus' Appearance
Everyone has the desire to leave their mark somewhere. Just don't leave one on the bus. Just as you would like others to respect your property, it is essential to respect the integrity of the bus. Avoid scratching the seats, walls, or windows, and refrain from drawing on any surfaces. Also, refrain from sticky things - like gum under the seat or stickers on the windows.

Adhere to Safety Procedures
As much fun as a bus ride can be, it is still important to follow the rules. Busses typically have a comprehensive list of safety precautions to keep riders secure on regular trips and efficiently manage emergencies. If you are unsure of the guidelines on the bus you are riding, feel free to ask the driver!

If you'd like to have an even more significant impact on keeping bus passengers safe, check out our employment page to see our current job opportunities to join the team at Student Transit.