"STOP! Just wait a few seconds… Okay, now you can go." Sound familiar? Crossing guards are critical for maintaining the safety of pedestrians - especially near schools. But they are so much more than that! They are undoubtedly champions within our communities.

Crossing guards have one of the many essential jobs that are often overlooked by the general public but that serve incredibly vital roles in our communities. They are the friendly faces that help keep our children safe as they make their way to school and help ensure our streets are as safe as possible for everyone.

Community Champions: Crossing Guards

We think crossing guards should be considered community champions because they…

Keep Pedestrians Safe
Crossing guards are professionals trained to help direct cars and get walkers (and runners, bicyclers, skaters, hoverboarders, etc.) safely across the street, often working in areas with a lot of pedestrian traffic, such as near schools or in residential areas. They use their knowledge and experience to ensure that children (and grown-ups!) can cross streets safely and drivers are aware of their presence.

Encourage Safe Driving
Crossing guards not only accompany walkers while they cross the street, but they also enforce safe driving practices. By directing traffic in a way that puts pedestrians first, drivers are guided to slow down and stop and adhere to speed limits and other traffic signs and rules. This encourages drivers to be more mindful, helping protect travelers outside cars who need to share the road.

Promote Active Transportation
Crossing guards also help promote active transportation by encouraging students to walk or bike to school, thus reducing the amount of traffic on the roads. This helps reduce congestion and improve air quality, influencing children to make healthier choices.

Foster a Sense of Community
Crossing guards often become friendly, familiar faces in their towns, greeting children and parents daily as they go to school. This helps foster a sense of community as more people get to know each other, leading to more robust, more connected neighborhoods.

Practice Good Communication Skills
Crossing guards are typically tasked with effectively communicating with multiple groups of people in multiple ways simultaneously. They will often verbally instruct pedestrians while holding a sign, using specific hand gestures, and blowing a whistle to conduct traffic and get walkers safely across the road. This provides a helpful demonstration of active listening and various communication methods that observers can put into practice.

Act as Positive Role Models
Crossing guards can also be role models for children, demonstrating the importance of safety and responsibility in their daily lives. Exemplifying good behavior and promoting respect for one another help shape the next generation of responsible, considerate citizens.

Unquestionably, crossing guards play a vital role in our communities. They help keep our children safe, promote active transportation, foster a sense of community, and serve as positive role models. So, the next time you see a crossing guard, consider taking a moment to thank them for all they do.

If you're interested in becoming a community champion, becoming a bus driver is a great way to do that. Check out this article about ways bus drivers impact the community.